Retirement Planning

How We Are Trying to Increase the Odds of Having a Healthy Retirement

How We Are Trying to Increase the Odds of Having a Healthy Retirement

The first couple of years in retirement are often the most difficult. But they also can set the stage for how you’ll fill the years ahead—both financially and psychologically. Stephen Kreider Yoder, 66, a longtime Wall Street Journal editor, joined his wife, Karen Kreider Yoder, 67, in retirement in late 2022. In this monthly Retirement Rookies column, they chronicle some of the issues they are dealing with early in retirement.

10 Tips To Prepare For Retirement

10 Tips To Prepare For Retirement

Recently, I was on a company trip with my husband who is a wealth advisor. It was an awards trip for high performers in his profession. It has been fun over the years to meet people across the country and become friends. In past years, the conversations focused on sharing best practices about how they structured, built, and enhanced their businesses.

Your Retirement Anxiety Can’t Be Cured Online

Your Retirement Anxiety Can’t Be Cured Online

The often-cited goal of having a $1 million retirement nest egg needs to be retired itself. Adjusted for inflation, it would take nearly $1.9 million to have the same purchasing power today as in 1999, when the oldest of millennials were just turning 18. Granted, $1 million still sounds like a lofty sum to many Americans, which could be why so many are nervous that they won’t reach the double-comma club by retirement.

Deciding When to Retire: When Timing Becomes Critical

Deciding When to Retire: When Timing Becomes Critical

Deciding when to retire will have a substantial impact on your Social Security benefits. If you decide to start receiving payments at age 62, they will be lower than if you waited until your full retirement age. Contact the Social Security Administration for more information.