For people with Medicare, if ever there was a year to take its Open Enrollment (Oct. 15 to Dec. 7) seriously and choose coverage carefully, this is it.
How Dogs Help Us Lead Longer, Healthier Lives
Dogs seem to make us healthier than we would be without them. Social psychologist Bruce Headey conducted a survey of Australian dog-owners and found that they take fewer trips to the doctor and sleep better than non-dog-owners. They are also less likely to be on heart...
Why a Healthcare Bucket for Your Retirement Portfolio Makes Sense
Healthcare costs consume a growing share of retiree budgets over time. Because they typically rise at a rate higher than inflation, do healthcare expenses deserve their own bucket within the portfolio?Some experts say yes, that from a behavioral and financial...
Health Savings Accounts: Are They Just What the Doctor Ordered?
Most HSAs allow you to contribute through automatic transfers from a bank account or, if you're employed, through an automatic payroll deduction plan. Are health insurance premiums taking too big of a bite out of your budget? Do you wish you had better control over...
What Will You Pay for Medicare in 2022?
Medicare premiums, deductibles, and coinsurance amounts change annually. Here's a look at some of the costs that will apply in 2022 if you're enrolled in Original Medicare Part A and Part B.Medicare Part B premiums According to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid...
Employer Open Enrollment: Make Benefit Choices That Work for You
One of your insurance options could be a better fit for your family and might even help reduce your overall health-care costs.Open enrollment is the window of time when employers introduce changes to their benefit offerings for the upcoming plan year. If you're...