Repaying student loans is an important financial obligation. But doing so can take many years of dedication and sacrifice.

Repaying student loans is an important financial obligation. But doing so can take many years of dedication and sacrifice.
Due to 2024-25 FAFSA rollout and processing delays, students may receive their college financial aid packages late this spring for the next school year.
About 27 million student loan borrowers are bracing for monthly payments on federal loans to resume now that a pause introduced during the pandemic is set to end.
Thirty-seven million student loan borrowers will be required to resume their monthly payments in October, more than three years after the federal government paused them due to Covid-19.
There are three potential drawbacks to saving in your child’s name: the kiddie tax, federal financial aid rules, and control issues.
The chance that someone will assume your identity to open fraudulent bank or credit accounts is increasing as thieves become more sophisticated. The best way to protect yourself is to try to prevent this from happening in the first place.
Your actual student loan payments aren't deductible, but the interest portion might be, thanks to the student loan interest deduction. In 2022, the maximum deduction is $2,500. You don't need to itemize to claim this deduction. To qualify, you must meet a few...
It's tax time, and your kitchen table is littered with papers and forms. As if this isn't bad enough, you recently paid your child's college semester bill, and you don't know where you'll find the money to pay the taxes that you expect to owe. Well, you might finally...
Even with all of your savvy college shopping and research about financial aid, college costs may still be prohibitive. At these prices, you expect you'll need to make substantial financial sacrifices to send your child to college. Or maybe your child won't be able to...
It seems like only yesterday you were bandaging scraped knees and waving at the school bus, and now it's time for your child to choose a college. You may think a hands-off approach is best to avoid interfering, but it's important to help your child research schools....